Sunday, November 4, 2007

Whatever Happened to the "Empty" in Empty Nest?

So here I am. Middle aged, a grandmother, a newlywed, foolishly thinking I'm going to have some time to myself, time with my new husband, time to enjoy seeing my youngest child through his senior year of high school to graduation. Then, total, blissful freedom! A new life in Texas!

Silly me.

Three days after my wedding my new stepdaughter and her son moved in. It would only be for a month, she said. And it was only for a month. I give her credit for sticking to her word. But what a month it was! I did not know people, especially ten year olds, could sleep until five or six in the afternoon. Of course, if their mothers let them stay up until dawn playing video games and blaring the television, I guess it's easy. I also did not know that "Feed the Dogs Until They Throw Up" was a popular game with ten year olds. It was with this one. It was a very long month. I did not think my new marriage would survive...............but it did.

And I spoke prophetic words to my new husband. "I know you wouldn't turn my kids away if they were in a jam."

I shoulda kept my mouth shut.

Oldest daughter, married four months and with an almost two year old, decides married life is not fun anymore. She wants a divorce. She moves back home. Then back to hubby. Then back to mom. Then back to hubby. Then back to mom. It was like a bad day at Wimbledon. Now she is back again. This time she says it's permanent. We shall see. She spends almost every waking moment with hubby, so what's the point?

I love having my grandson in the house. He is the most precious and adorable child. But I've long forgotten how to survive with a toddler in the house. And all of the toddler's toys. And all of the toddler's noise. But it is a total joy and I love every second of it. Bedtime, however, is a blessing.

Then there's middle daughter. The smart one. The college student. The one who has a great job, making more than I do. The one who never gave me a moment's trouble her whole life. The totally sensible one. The one who is now dating a married man with a four month old baby. Oy vey. I just don't know.

And my son. My darling son. The one I never thought would stay in school long enough to graduate. The one I've dragged kicking and screaming since Pre-K to get to his senior year, graduation on the horizon. What a relief! Well, he seems to think that failing his senior year sounds like a good idea. That way he can stay in school with this month's girlfriend. He seems to think this is a brilliant idea and is quite proud of himself. Can I beat him over the head with a two by four?

And did I mention that my house is up for sale so that my husband and I can move to Texas and begin our new life? And my house has to be kept clean and neat at all times because we never know when somebody will want to see it?

And do you want to know how much fun it is to sell a house in the current mortgage meltdown market?

You do?

Well, you'll just have to wait for my Blog on that subject.

Right now, I have to pick up Mega Blocks before the dogs eat them.


Renée said...

Based on this post, you won't have any problems finding things to write about! In fact, you might need to pace yourself.

I hope you'll check out my blog at


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you finally got around to posting another blog!! Hope it helped to relieve some of your stress...(maybe?? just a little??) Can't wait to hear more...

Wubz ya!